
Thinking about landscapes: another afternoon.

What is it in a landscape that can invoke such deep emotion?
I have to stop and catch my breath whenever I look out across golden fields underneath the enormous Prairie sky. There is a physical reaction in my chest each time I find both the mountains and the Pacific within my view. This sudden rush of blood from the heart to other areas of the body, is spurred by a vision, like catching sight of your true love following a long absence.

It's something more than being in awe of the forces of nature.

Is it some sort of primitive bond to other Mother Earth? This description seems to fall short; the feeling more akin to the sensual realm than the familial. Though I feel infinitely small in the presence of a vast landscape, the relationship between myself and it feels like more of a connection between lovers than between parent and child.
Where does the Romance come from?

Can we, in manipulating our landscapes, altering them to suit our way of living, ever hope to replicate that feeling of a swelling heart or stolen breath inspired by the natural world?
Do the alterations and additions in themselves deny the possibility?

works in progress

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