

Grayscale: Self-portrait, ink on rice paper (2008)

Untitled (Self-portrait), charcoal on newsprint (2008)

face.jpg, installation, acrylic on 1.5" x 1.5" papers (2009)

Untitled (Bald Self-portrait), charcoal on paper (2009)

Skull study, conté on newsprint (2009)


New things

Obviously the time that effective and exciting blogging requires has not been given to me these past weeks..
I've been doing a lot of different things, getting used to the Emily Carr setting being one of them. I love Granville Island. Apart from the high prices, I haven't even minded the trek to and from transit. We'll see if that changes with the weather...

Relevant to my older work, I've returned to some landscape themes:

Untitled I, ink and acrylic on Yupo paper (2009)

Untitled II, ink on Yupo paper (2009)

In Handscape, I returned not only to my interest in the notion of landscapes, but also of the body and experimentation with line. This piece is the first plateau in a series of ongoing studies in these areas.

Handscape, charcoal on paper (2009)

Handscape detail

Study for Handscape

Where is my love?, ink on paper (2008)
This drawing was a tribute to a lost glove and a secondary source for Handscape.

Tracing studies for Handscape

Continuing with my exploration of line, a series of charcoal and graphite drawings emerged, exploiting the tendency for heavy weight papers to carry impressions.

Giraffe I, graphite on paper (2009)

Giraffe I detail